
We are able to provide consultancy in a wide range of ICT areas, for example:

ICT Self Review Framework. We can help your school unravel the Becta Self Review Framework and use it productively to assess the current level of ICT provision in school. The self review process will identify areas of strength within the school and also areas for development. This will ultimately assist with the preparation of any ICT elements of the School Improvement Plan. The Self Review Framework allows schools to benchmark their provision against other schools nationally.

ICT Mark. Schools who have completed the ICT Self Review Framework and have reached the threshold level for all elements are elegible to apply for the ICT Mark. This is a nationally recognised quality mark that recognises very good ICT provision. As ICT Mark assessors we can talk realistically and confidently about the process, and your school's readiness for the award.

ICT Development Planning. We can work with your staff to help identify areas for improvement and achievable timescales for implementation.

ICT Curriculum Planning.